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Can I use multiple hostnames with SSL on a single VIP/VS?

Yes. This is referred to as SNI, or Server Name Indication.

Imagine a traffic dispatcher with a multilingual megaphone. Clients (cars) shout their destination (website) when they arrive. The dispatcher (load balancer) listens for a hidden code (SNI) whispered within that shout. Based on this code, the dispatcher directs each car (client) to the correct lane (web server) with the matching sign (certificate), ensuring a smooth, secure journey.

In the example above:

  1. The Client initiates an HTTPS connection to a domain name, like “”.
  2. The Load Balancer receives the request and examines the SNI header. This header contains the hostname (take crm in our diagram) the client is trying to reach.
  3. Based on the hostname in the SNI header, the load balancer selects the corresponding server certificate. It has certificates for multiple web servers behind it (Server 1, Server 2, etc.).
  4. The load balancer then forwards the request to the appropriate server. The server presents the client with the matching certificate to establish a secure connection.

See an example setting below:

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