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EdgeADC v5c and v5r – What’s going on?

Edgenexus is evolving its base EdgeOS operating system to meet the latest standards and requirements.

The latest EdgeOS v5.0 has two variants, ‘C’ and ‘R’.

New Downloads

Customers who download and set up the EdgeADC using the new version 5.0 will see that the version numbers end with an ‘R’.

Upgrading from EdgeADC v4

Existing users that upgrade from v4 to the new version 5.0 will see that the version number in their EdgeADC terminates with a ‘C’. These users also have the option to upgrade to the new R variant, and instructions on doing this are contained in another KB article.

So what is the difference?

Feature wise, there is no difference. The real difference comes under the hood.

Variant C

Firmware version terminating with a ‘C’, for example, 5.0.0 (1980) C, indicated that the EdgeADC firmware uses Variant C of the EdgeOS.

The EdgeOS, Variant C has been in use since 2020 and is being replaced in all new downloads by the new Variant R in 4Q2024.

Variant R

The new Variant R of the EdgeOS features a completely new core code with enhanced performance, especially in throughput and SSL handling.

In terms of features, both 5.0 C and 5.0 R are the same.

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