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How do I access the EdgeADC Web User Interface?

The EdgeADC has one of the easiest to use, web-based user interfaces.

To access the user interface, you will need a Javascript enabled browser. Edgenexus supports the use of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Firefox.

Accessing the web UI requires you to navigate to the ADC using: https://(ADC IP)

In the latest versions of ADC, it is mandatory to use HTTPS for security reasons.

Once you connect, you should see the following login:

Type in your credentials. The default administrator credentials are admin, with a password of jetnexus.

We advise that you change these as soon as you can. You can specify your own administration user, and disable the default if needed.

On successful login, you will see the following:

Please ignore the content, as this is a demo machine. A fresh ADC will be empty of configurations.

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