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Upgrading EdgeADC v4 to EdgeADC v5R
An upgrade of an Edgenexus EdgeADC appliance from variant C to variant R is fairly straightforward when it comes to virtual installations. For hardware installations, please take a look further down in this KB article.
To upgrade the ADC, you must first download the VM installation file from Then, fill out the form on the home page and download the version you need for your virtualization environment.
Upgrading a single ADC environment – Cluster method
Note: Upgrading a single ADC will incur an element of downtime.
The cluster method is by far the easiest, but still requires a level of caution when performing the upgrade. Follow the steps below.
- Import the VM installation file into your virtual environment.
- Adjust the memory and CPU, etc, to match your existing ADC. Ensure its in the same subnet and accessible.
- You do not need a static IP for the v5 machine as you will see later.
- Once done, start the VM and use your browser to log into it using admin/jetnexus.
- Go to your EdgeADC v4 and log in using a separate browser tab or window.
Navigate to System > License and make a note of the Machine ID. You’ll need this if you cannot find the original license sent to you. In such as case, please email this to and ask for the license file to be resent to you.
Then, navigate to System > Networking and note the IP address assigned to eth0. - Navigate to System > Clustering
- Ensure the Role is set to Cluster
- You will see the new v5 ADC VM in the Management section.

- Click on the v5 ADC listed on the left side to highlight it.
- Now click the right chevron icon.
- The v5 ADC will be moved to the right side and will become the secondary cluster member.
- All services etc., will now have been copied across to the new ADC.
- At this point, you will need to power down your v4 VM.
- Go to the v5 ADC web console.
- Navigate to System > Networking
- Change the IP address of eth0 to match the IP address of the v4 ADC VM you just powered down. This will ensure your license works.
- Now, go to System > License and re-import your original license file
- The v5 ADC will now be operational
Upgrading a single ADC environment – Non-Cluster method
Note: Upgrading a single ADC will incur an element of downtime.
- Log into the ADC as an admin user
- Navigate to Advanced > Configuration
- Download the configuration file
- Proceed to Library > SSL Certificates
- Export the SSL certificates – select ALL and provide a password.
- The certificates will be exported as a JNBK encrypted file.

- Import the OVA or other format into your VM infrastructure
- Change the CPU, memory and any other custom parameters so they match the existing v4 ADC VM
- Start the new v5 VM
- Now, it is time to bring down the existing v4 ADC VM. Just power it off, but please do not delete it.
- Let’s move onto the new v5 ADC where we will finish the work.
- Import the configuration file into the new v5 ADC VM.
- Once done, power cycle the new ADC v5 VM.
- Proceed to Library SSL Certificates
- Choose Restore SSL Certificates

- Browse to the JNBK file and provide the password
- Click Restore
- The new v5 ADC should now be available using the original IP address and all its configuration intact.