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What does the Evaluation feature provide to flightPATH?
There will be times when you need to, for example, extract portions of a REQUEST or RESPONSE and then use that extracted data within a flightPATH rule.
The Evaluation feature allows you to do that.
Let’s look at an example below:

- We have flightPATH rule called Log Spider.
- There is a CONDITION where we examine the REQUEST HEADER and it’s USER-AGENT property to see if it DOES MATCH REG_EX value of Googlebot|Slurp|bingbot|ia_archiver. The | character represents separation of a list of values, in this case, Googlebot, Slurp, bingBot and ia_archiver.
- The rule, through Evaluation, also extracts the USER-AGENT content into a variable called $crawler$.
- The rule then logs an event into the SystemLog with the information on the Spider type, the URL, and the query it used to crawl.